Friday, 28 October 2011

Theory reaserch for my CI - Postmodernism

Postmodern theory is based on how every media text that is shown to us is shown in a way that we will think it is part pf our reality and we'll begin to think that these things actually exist when they only really appear and can be imagined. however when it is constructed to us, its purpose is to entertain and amuse us in some way. Postmodern text deliberately plays with meanings. It makes people to understand their own particular and personal reality.
Since this theory is about people making their own realities through media text, it relates with my critical investigation because i am focussing on how UK grime artist and their music affects and has an influence on young teenagers. Therefore teenagers will look at some of these artists music videos for example and make their own reality out of the lyrics because the lyrics of the songs are always true stories in UK grime and teenagers may build their own realities by going along with the lyrics and believe that it is also true to them. & then the actual video it self is there for entertaining them since videos maybe in very exciting places. (Chipmunks 'Flying high' video)

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