Tuesday 17 January 2012

Production Plan

Week Beginning
What I need to do
11th January
Re draft critical investigation essay
Update Intention statement
Add my extra research I done for my CI

Changed my final idea so add that in my statement and take out what isn’t needed
16th January
Image production plan
Mock ups
Fill out the grid that’s on Fronter
Draw out at least two mock ups each for my album cover (front & back) and then also my two posters. I’ll do this by drawing out rough & clear annotated sketches in pencil
23-25th January
Take photos for my album cover and for my posters
Make sure that it is the same teenager that I take pictures of for both my album and posters.  Also while using a professional camera I need to make sure my pictures are taken with a specific background, one that suits my main image (Background information is written on the Image production plan)
30th January
Upload images and add or take out any bits to make it look better
On Photoshop I just need to edit the pictures I took. I.e. Cut out backgrounds/add lightening. This therefore means I will slowly begin designing my album cover  (This will be done by 6th February)
8-22nd February
Begin designing posters
On InDesign I will design my two posters. Edit all images that are to be in my poster, with typography and anything else that needs to be init
23rd February
Write up evaluation

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